#1 2010-10-02 13:06:25

Heroine queen
Daughter of Mafia boss
From: Люлин.
Registered: 2010-07-02
Posts: 15,137

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Are you a Vampire ?
Your Result

You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.

[*]A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. ♥

"Истинският мъж е като любимата блуза в разхвърлян гардероб. Знаеш, че е някъде там, но никога не можеш да я откриеш, когато ти трябва. През ръцете ти минават десетки дрехи. Със състав, който не отговаря на сезона, и цвят, който не отива на косата ти. Сигурна си, че няма да ти стоят добре, но ги пробваш. За всеки случай..."[/*]


#2 2010-10-02 13:19:30

From: не съм от този свят
Registered: 2010-04-07
Posts: 2,686

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

evil ха ха

Your Result
Full Blood Vampire

You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like

p.s. --въпросите къртят бара, особено втория  laugh

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20bgx9ZRpyQ !!!
Fuck Off And Die !!!!!!


#3 2010-10-02 13:40:28

Registered: 2009-04-22
Posts: 15,041

Re: Are you a Vampire ?


You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.



#4 2010-10-02 13:45:12

Registered: 2009-02-07
Posts: 8,960

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Hybrid Humаn/Vampire

Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.

laugh  laugh  sun  sun


#5 2010-10-02 14:15:39

From: New Yorkk ;pp
Registered: 2009-01-10
Posts: 1,999

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Full Blood Vampire

You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.


Реален свят .. реални хора с нереално самочувствие..

Убиецът от град Хевън <--- първата ми история


#6 2010-10-02 14:21:16

From: Първомай
Registered: 2009-03-06
Posts: 236

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

лелее...супер laugh

Hybrid Human/Vampire
Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.


    Paramore <3 and All Time Low <3 are my life

  If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?


#7 2010-10-02 14:49:13

From: Габрово
Registered: 2010-02-13
Posts: 625

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Hybrid Humаn/Vampire

Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.

laugh  laugh  sun  sun

хаха :Д ми2 :Д

Да пишеш на български с латински букви е все едно да пишеш с л*йна по стената, чете се но няма да е приятно !


#8 2010-10-02 15:06:31

From: Callafornia. . :)
Registered: 2009-07-31
Posts: 1,003

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Full Blood Vampire

You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.

Яко. .  star



#9 2010-10-02 15:25:17

Registered: 2010-03-28
Posts: 4,512

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Full Blоod Vampire

You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.
laugh  nod  star

The truth is I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t.


#10 2010-10-02 15:33:47

Капризен простак
From: България
Registered: 2008-10-16
Posts: 1,053

Re: Are you a Vampire ?


You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.



#11 2010-10-02 16:14:43

Breath Of Passion
Bitchy mod
From: In his mind..
Registered: 2008-12-26
Posts: 12,623

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Аа, антей - Full Blood Vampire
You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like.

Those who talk behind your back are behind you for a reason!

Джордже Балашевич


#12 2010-10-02 16:17:19

`Vampire heart`
From: *...MyStic FallS...*
Registered: 2009-08-03
Posts: 17,455

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.
Вече бяхте ухапан и пих чужда кръв. Трябва по-бързо рефлекси от хибриди и хора, но ти не си на върха на хранителната верига. Имате оптимисти наркоманиите (пристрастяване към кръвта), която е постоянно и ще получите в неприятности, ако не сте внимателни. Водачът и други такива оръжия имат малък ефект върху вас, но има няколко специализирани оръжия, които може да ви постави в гроба ти бързо. Ти си вампир, така че разбира се трябва зъби подходящ за тази работа.

[img]http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss138/softskin13/Emoticon-Flip.gif[/img]  Когато често се срещаме с дадени хора,
те стават част от живота ни. И като станат
част от живота ни, започват да се опитват
да го променят. И се сърдят, когато не
правим това, което те изискват от нас.
Понеже всеки си мисли, че знае как
другият трябва да живее живота си,
но всъщност никой не знае как трябва
да живее своя собствен!


#13 2010-10-02 16:21:59

Registered: 2009-11-14
Posts: 421

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result

You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.


Ех, ех, времето, в което съм се шляела из случаен форум и за което сега, години по-късно, вече по-пораснала от онова малко (защо изобщо съм имала регистрация на такава ранна възраст?) човече, което е писало през главата си, безкрайно се разкайвам.


#14 2010-10-02 16:45:13

privaтe Love
From: in his late night thoughts
Registered: 2010-08-07
Posts: 5,126

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

на мен ми забива при въпроса за рождената дата  laugh  laugh

«» Hold my hand and I'll take you there... somehow, someday, somewhere...


#15 2010-10-02 17:10:39

Registered: 2010-09-28
Posts: 78

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Hybrid Human/Vampire

Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.

амм .. превоодд ???  laugh  laugh  laugh

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now,
I won't listen to you
Walk around with my hands up in the air
Cause I don't care .. I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside
Freak out, let it go ...  music sun


#16 2010-10-02 17:48:46

From: Nice,France <3
Registered: 2009-02-12
Posts: 9,745

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Hybrid Humаn/Vampire

Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.

laugh  laugh  sun  sun


#17 2010-10-03 09:01:59

From: .... * CrAzYy t0wN * .. }} ~
Registered: 2010-04-10
Posts: 383

Re: Are you a Vampire ?


You have been bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.

~ Няма значение човек колко е далеч от теб ,ако той живее в сърцето ти.. heart  ~

unique_baby27 heart ) ) `~


#18 2010-10-03 11:07:02

Registered: 2010-09-28
Posts: 237

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Hybrid Humаn/Vampire

Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.

   laugh:D sun(sun)

Only God Can Judge Me . . !
Fuck everybody else . . . !

Не се е родuл човека който може да застане на пътя мu . . . !!


#19 2010-10-03 11:15:50

From: Nostalgia
Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 925

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Hybrid Humаn/Vampire
Either you were born of a human and a vampire, or you have been bitten and not feasted on a fresh kill. You have some of the vampire powers, like quicker reflexes, etc. You have fangs but they are smaller than average. You can still be killed by bullets but you are more likely to survive them than humans. You may suffer a few effects of vampire weaknesses but nothing that will kill you in limited doses.
nod  star  laugh

Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.


#20 2010-10-03 18:17:41

From: Underworld.
Registered: 2009-12-29
Posts: 662

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result

You havе bееn bitten and drank another's blood. You have faster reflexes than hybrids and humans but you are not the top of the food chain. You have a sanguine addiction (an addiction to blood) that is constant and will get you into trouble if you're not careful. Bullets and other such weapons have little effect on you but there are a few specialized weapons that can put you in your grave quickly. You are a vampire, so of course you have fangs suited for the job.


#21 2010-10-09 11:37:04

» Choco Vampire
From: `London.<3
Registered: 2009-05-10
Posts: 6,032

Re: Are you a Vampire ?

Your Result
Full Blоod Vampire

You were born a vampire meaning no bite marks for you. Some say you are the direct descendent of a demon from hell, while others say you are descended from Vlad Tempish, also known as Dracula. Your skills are more powerful than a regular vampire's, the difference being impossible for humans to comprehend. It is said you can even call shadows to help you. You also have age control, meaning you may be 10,000 years old but can look 10 or 100 depending on what you like   devil  heart

"Виждам лицата ви дори и през маските, които сте сложили върху тях,
играещи ролите на хора, които никога няма да бъдете..." : )



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